

January 1 Effort

I vacuumed bits of the studio I didn't yesterday, like inside drawers, and sanded down few new sticks, and all that took three hours. Then I thought I'd relax a bit and got on the computer... for nearly six hours! (Among other things, the Daily Photo group has Theme days on the first of every month, and protocol demands you visit at least a few.) And, whoa, it was 9PM and suddenly I realized "today" is January 1, and the Awards proposal is due January 9 or 11, depending on how you interpret the blurb. (Note to self: read the blurb and check what exactly I need to submit.)

So I panicked a bit, went downstairs and ... wove one-half of a not-at-all urgent cashmere scarf in lovely purple and teal. But then I prepared the new warp just enough to see where I want to add zing. Tomorrow I'll prepare the zing ends, then wind the warp, after a mad-dash cleaning and getting the house ready for the builders with Ben. (I can't remember if they are coming on Monday or on the 12th but I'm too embarrassed to ring the boss man...)

Then I fine-tuned a draft by revisiting the gamp draft I made in October; I need 44 temporary heddles or move them between harnesses, but I'm pretty efficient at making them so I'll take that path. The final piece will be the glorified hanging/revolving lamp shade; no concept, just straight forward stuff.

I'm a bit disappointed and greatly relieved I've not got enough time to fiddle any more with concepts. Besides, remembering the first item of my New Year's resolution, I decided the only mature and sane thing is to simplify the preparation and get on with the weaving as soon as possible. As weak as I am, I don't think I've ever abandoned the first item of my New Year's resolution on the first day.

As to the Summer-Blog-Lite thing, I find the motion of making a warp, of moving my right arm in sweeping motion for hours, overstimulate the left hemisphere and I'm overflowing with words for a few days afterwards. Don't worry, I'm not planning on making any more warps for a while.

And it's tomorrow already. Later!


  1. Slow and steady wins the race.

  2. Dana, you know I'm good with "slow". It's the "steady" I'm not accustomed to.

    Ta, Sunrise.


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