

Our Trip Home

We got back around lunch time Friday from a most strange trip home. It was a mighty busy trip, not sad but one of relief, and we got to see a lot of the Eastern part of Tokyo near Ben's parents' place, often the stage for period drama and old-fashioned Rakugo comedies, and an area totally foreign to me.

No time for "real" exhibitions, museums or textile trips, but plenty of walking around famous place names and checking out tiny temples and old-looking shops.

Little Leaguers - now girls are allowed!!

Late afternoon ballet class.

Bike-handle mo on an election candidate poster.

Sushi sample fridge magnets.

I ran into a robust gray-power drawing/painting group at Asakusa.

Gap girl.

Rikisha driver for tourists.

A used bookshop specializing in Sumo documents; it is most definitely still in business.


  1. Thanks for the tour! I have never been to Japan, or outside of Europe.

  2. Welcome. It is a surprisingly diverse country within tiny islands, so this is just a taste of the Eastern part of Tokyo.

  3. Meg, welcome home! I've enjoyed your photos.

  4. Thank you, Geodyne. I must post about the "Let's Take it Easy in 2009" initiative. I'm serious!!


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