

I Can Do Short!

I love putting my tiny Kaz Project shirts into charity bins. If I wrapped them up nicely, I wonder if the charity shops will keep them as they are? I can think of two tiny girls and one getting-taller boy for whom I can make special ones!

I liked these two as they were, so no reduction in the cute button stash, however.

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Massage Kathleen said I don't need "Women who Run with Wolves"; she was quite adamant about that. What does she mean? I'm wild au naturel?

Said Kathleen was also impressed with my upper body muscle tones. I haven't been to the gym in 18 or so months, but she still said I'm in a good nick - comparable to some men who go to the gym regularly, and she said it must be the weaving. Have you been told anything like that?

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Our local Suter Gallery changed policies about a week ago, so we're allowed to photograph artworks. But they haven't changed the signs, and it takes guts to shoot up artworks. I haven't yet. But I need to soon.

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I wove a bit of asymmetrical sample for Ali, and I liked it. Ali said I must blog about it, so: I liked asymmetrical.

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Sunday night I casually decided I shall weave every single day if I'm going to write about being a weaver, even just a little bit. And I did. In fact, once I sit down, I can usually go for a couple of hours easily, so this should improve my productivity. It was easier than resolving to have x glasses of water every day - now I can't even remember how many I aimed for.


  1. What the hell has she gone and ordered NOW?

  2. Nothing, for a change. But I won a box of yarns!


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