
Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dave Daniels!

In the wobbly footsteps of Donny Osmond, Michael Jackson, and moi, Dave Daniels (if I wrote it down correctly) turns 50 today. And that's all day Monday!

Happy Birthday, Dave. May your day be filled with colors, textures, warm hearts and yummy cake!!


  1. Awwww, thanks, Meg, that's my first birthday wishes! I'm hoping to take the railroad up the coast to a weaving store and have a seaside lunch. :)

  2. Pleasure. The prerogative of being on this side of the dateline, Dave. Look forward to seeing your new stash (and maybe even your lunch) on your blog, then!

  3. a very beautiful present for Dave Daniels

  4. Oh, hello, Evlahos. Imaging bumping into you here! Thanks.


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