
Changing Mood

I finally worked on my work Christmas/New Year greeting card in lieu of a newsletter that small business mentors recommend. When you're blogging, newsletters seem so stale, but I still wanted to do something to thank my past clients of commission pieces and yarn sources and supporting arts organization.

Anyhow, words like "whimsical" and "fanciful" popped up on the screen easily; words I used to describe other people's airy fairy work. I'm correcting my direction a wee bit now, and I feel a little more relaxed.

PS Of course, after I've printed them all up and started writing personal messages, I found a couple of things I wanted to change. &^%$# But not the whimsy/fancy bit.


bspinner said...

Dear Meg:
I came across your woven ribbon on Handweavers.net. I put a picture of it on my blog telling anyone who reads my blog just how amazing I think it is and links to both Handweavers.net and of course your web site. If that's a problem please let me know and I'll take it off my blog. You're weaving is wonderful and I would never publishs something that you wouldn't want me to.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh words!
You might enjoy this fav site of mine!

Meg said...

No problem, BSpinner, thank you for the plug.

Lynne, that mind map is a very interesting concept.