
Mana's Visit 4

Friday was weaving day; she trying to finish the scarf, I putting on a warp for a intriguing weft she brought from Japan. We took a late afternoon break to visit potter Royce McGlashen, a spot of wine tasting, and a walk around the airport at dusk. She finished weaving both projects just before midnight and we had a wee celebration.
Saturday we did what was left on her To Do list: the Saturday market, some more shopping, Centre of New Zealand, (her hometown is the geographical center of Japan,) before taking off to Auckland, then on to Hong Kong, Osaka, and home.

I am exhausted after a long month of visitor activities. It's been fun but I have missed my quiet, uneventful life. I hope to get back on my usual weed/weave schedule, but I'm gonna need a few days, folks. 

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