

Mana arrives in less than 18 hours, and I did make good progress in cleaning yesterday afternoon and part of today, but instead of tidying the outside, (like moving a bunch of tall dead grass away from the kitchen windows,) I wove.

I enjoyed finishing Mom's piece last week and I missed weaving. And it's been a while since I wove a piece in one day, but here it is. The warp is the same as Mom's, black merino "softened" in walnut husk dye some years ago; the weft is purple 100% cashmere, 2/20 from memory. The draft is slightly modified version of what Mom wove, to make it not symmetrical/regular. This way, I could fringe it and show Mana how I wash wool pieces, if that's what she's interested in.
It'll be an intense and interesting five days, trying to do a variety of things on the loom while I pick her brain, and we may even have terrible rain in the meantime. Isn't life exciting!


Unknown said...

My favorite color

Meg said...

Purple, yes?

Sandra Rude said...

Gorgeous cloth, and a nicely un-symmetrical draft (symmetry is overrated...)!

Meg said...

:-) It's more interesting wearing a scarf, this way, right, Sandra?

Dianne said...

Love it all. Love the purple, love the draft and that you wove. The rain (and wind) will take care of the grass. Enjoy your visitor.

Meg said...

Washing and pressing your towel, Dianne, for Mana to check out!!

Dianne said...

If you need any info you know my address.

Meg said...

Righto. Will do, ta.