
And Then...

I started knitting straight away after posting on Monday. But about an hour later...
Yikes! I feel sad because all my needles are Mom's so this baby might have predated me. This is the second go for Rosie. Better proportion, right?  

Before I went to the print workshop, I looked at a lot of images on Pinterest and arrived at a British artist Helen Terry's these two images side by side. And I can't stop thinking if there is a way to weave this on 16; perhaps a diluted facsimile if I'm very vigilant, but I can't think right away. Still, I want to get a start. I've been really eager to weave on the big loom, but not the old style fancy twill. At least not at the moment. 

I'm trying to look at my print stuff every day so I don't have to think hard but a few good ideas might/could/would surface gradually. I've dome to really like this style of "thinking".

Right. As you were. 

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