
OK, I'm Behind、But All Is Good

Georgina's baby was due today; I haven't heard from Georgina, so I'm not sure if the baby arrived. But I can tell you I'm once again behind schedule; for a while I thought I might get the baby blanket done by today so we could deliver it tomorrow, but no, I'm still in the middle of measuring the warp.

I had more warp left on the Area warp than I thought, and I actually got another scarf, plus some samples. Then I super-cleaned the studio yesterday afternoon because I didn't want any coarse wool dust being picked up while I wove the baby blanket. I could also tell you I had to go to the gym, and wasted a lot of time traveling to/from the gym, but gym is for myself, after all, and I'm trying to get out of this negative thinking. So there, all is well. Tonight, I warp the Baby Blanket warp.

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