From A Weaver's Book of 8-Shaft Patterns, edited by Carol Strickler, Interweave Press, 1991; the top draft is Example #252 on Page 63 and is an example of a 7-shaft Corkscrew Weave; the bottom draft is #269 (left) on Page 69, and this is an example of a 8-shaft Shadow Weave.
Both warps are in LDLD; both wefts are in DLDL. The appearance is slightly different because the top tie up is in 3/4 twill, whereas the bottom one is in 4/4 twill, (would that be correct?) Anyway, what I wanted to ask was.... Structurally, are they the same???
1 comment:
I just received this from Rose Pelvin, how is among the weavers who rescue me out of tight spots and other strange places. Rose writes: "No, the 2 drafts are not structurally the same - can't be because one is on 7 shafts the other on 8. Top one is a
2/1/1/1/1/1 twill and each row moves over one end in twill progression. The other is more complex. It works on 6 ends plain weave then weft over 2 followed by 6 ends plain weave and 2 warps. The alternate row is exactly opposite the one above. The next pair of wefts move over 2 ends in twill order. Longest floats over 2 in each case... My personal interpretation is that corkscrew weaves have 2 definite drafts merged, which these have, and shadow weaves have alternate light and dark in both warp and weft - which these also have - so I don't think it matters what they are called. (Purists may not agree!)"
Just one question, Rose; are you saying both of these qualify as Corkscrew?
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