
Do You Have a RH or a Knitters' Loom You don't Need?

This just came in via an intermediary, so I don't know the specifics, but someone in the lower half of the US, possibly Texas, is looking for one Ashford Rigid Heddle or Knitter's loom. Do you have one you are ready to part with, or do you know of one? It's for a good, private cause and it's going to a loving home, I'm told. Can you please email me and I'll connect you somehow. There is a party willing to pay for postage within the US if necessary. Thank you in advance.


Dana and Daisy said...

nope, but I think you can get the ashford rigid heddle loom brand new at dickblick.com

of course they might prefer a used one.

Meg said...

I'll forward that info, ta.