

I do love well-executed black and white cloths, but I tend to mix one or more grays. My warp turned out to be black and white and a light gray, plus three greens. I'm wondering if it's a little too severe for a wee boy's blanket. For the weft, I think I'll use the softer merino in gray, but I love the darker cone.

Tell me, what colors are your loom right now??


Dorothy said...

The colours just off my loom are deep red warp and mid green weft - worked surprisingly well. I sort out pics for the blog sometime.

I'm not into the idea that children should have bright colours. I think they need to learn to appreciate subtle things, they need interesting things to look at that don't shout loud.

Desirée said...

I'm at the end of a warp in that red color in your warp pic. Just the last half of the last towel left.

Meg said...

Aha, Dorothy, complementaries! I love reds. Although I'm starting to think I have been interested in yellows more and more. Besides, black is a national color in NZ, so I don't think it will shock as much as perhaps in other places.

Desiree, yes, yes. I'm thinking of weaving Swedish red-and-light-browns at some point. One of my most favorite Swedish combinations. Something useful, as in towels or bath mats, rather than ornaments. Perhaps in cottolin.