

The florescent lights have been hard to work under; after half a day, I get a big, dull headache. I'll have to investigate some more . But tomorrow I get my new glasses, (well, old frames, new lenses) and hopefully that will improve things a little.

Like taking sharper photographs.


Anonymous said...

New lens should help.

Frequently I will weave with my top lights off and only the floor lamps focused on my work. Easier on my eyes and the environment.

Meg said...

Yup, here's hoping. My studio is in the basement with one small window, so I'd need a fair few floor lamps. The one I have is so wonky it's not that great, but these new fluorescents are far more eco-friendly than lamps or the regular bulb lights I've got down there, or so I'm told. I think I need floor halogen lamps.

The irony is, about 7 years ago we had all the old style fluorescents taken out of that very room for environmental concerns. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg, You might need to use an Ott-lite - high definition natural daylight lighting system [so many to choose from - see www.ott-lite.com]. I use a portable model and find it indispensable. Cheers, K.

Meg said...

Ott-lite, duly noted. I came home to see the bill from Nigel and was a bit shocked, so the new lights would have to go on the back of the current long to do list, I guess. For a while, though, in the afternoons, I probably won't need light anyway. Fingers crossed.