

Follow Chronologically

Julie, in progress

Terri explores apples

Sandy's braid

Julie's choices

Amanda's sneak peak

Desirée has even more

Desirée has more thoughts on the matter

Alienore has her warp ready

Desirée shows us her cards

Kaz is getting ready for the Big Reveal

Julie has to make a decision

Amanda is plaid-ing

Sandy is nearly finished

Sampling has the solution

Sandy is a little sad

Cally's plain weave

Julie starts a blog 

Sandy's Warp and her thought and editing

Amanda's sneak peak

Alienore has added some thoughts

Sandy is getting a moving on

Amanda's stats and threading 

Shirley's designs

Michelle's start

Cally is ready

Judy's Leno success

Amanda's plaid color

Meg's half pat on the back 

Holly sewed and... finished one set

Meg's fits and starts

Judy has been distracted

Heidi and her feathery weft

Amanda's ideas

Holly's got another

Further development from Sampling

Cally's update

Meg is stuck

Judy's Round 2 sample 

Sampling's first idea

Meg's doodles by request, focus, and bad coloring, and going back on her words

Sampling is proceeding nicely

Judy's Round 2 Update

Meg is stuck, or away with the fairies, or cheating and avoiding

Sandy is home and has decided on... 

Holly has been weaving

Cally's "Better"

Geodyne is dyeing to move on

Kaz, Egypt, Japan and Australia

Holly's flowers

Terri's thoughts

Heidi and art

Shirley is happy with color matching, and even happier.

Kaz's quick experimentals

Meg ponders

Cally's floats

Judy's Round 2

Cally looks at her least favorite the most

Michelle gets mail

Geodyne doesn't like her sample??

Kaz's turn to explore

Meg admits thinking of more wooly fluff

Kaz has posted

Cally and a brain-ache

Amanda surprises

Geodyne is thinking

Terri receives

Heidi, feather, and straw

A walk in a rainy park for Meg

Alienore has been inspired

Amanda is noticing

Meg... has got some fur balls

Heidi receives pics

Cally's looking, and not telling us her favs/less-favs

Holly's second pic

Holly gives us a sneak peek

Judy's first round

Geodyne receives pics

Sampling's first thoughts

Cindy is thinking

Sampling is ready

Cindy gets mail

Desirée has posted

Shirley is thinking

Meg's just playing and playing some more and more and still more

Amanda starts thinking

Judy gets mail

Julie receives her pics

Shirley posts and receives post

Judy posts

Cindy makes contact

Terri gets started

Cally gets post

Judy has been instructed to have fun

Meg's disappeared down memory lane

Amanda picks her pics

Kaz is thinking... "beach"

Holly has resumed blogging for P2P2

Geodyne is ready

Cally is posting her envelope to Australia

Subtle Web, too, starts a blog for P2P2

Cindy starts a blog for P2P2

Meg is not pleased

Follow the Weavers
(Tag/Label/Category/Set information will be included in the links as they appear in the target url.)

Cally      Geodyne      Judy      Holly      Heidi      Sandy

Shirley      Alienore      Cindy      Julie      Chewiedox      Sampling

Amanda      Michelle      Desirée     Kaz      Terri      Esmae     Meg

The Brief

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