

After posting yesterday, I went looking for documentation on the old weaving programs I might have not thrown away somewhere, anywhere, in my stash room. I found none then, (but some outdated material later,) but I came across some old calendars I saved because I love the pictures so much.

I used to love selecting my calendar so very carefully about this time of the year, but I never really used then this side of... 2000?... so I haven't bought any in the last few years.
I remember the sculpture calendar well, but I always thought it was mask-themed because all the works in it are of human figures and many, faces. Looking at the pictures again, I thought it might help me think some more about portraits.
This is a page from the NZ MetService calendar; I haven't seen thei calendars in the last couple of years but they usually have fabulous cloud or lightening pics. This one, though, in person is much greener than it appears on my screen and looks all kinds of indigo.
I picked a few from the calendars and clipped some more from magazines and sat down to work on the Sketchbook Project but felt so uninspired I went downstairs to weave without putting things away. This morning my kitchen table was laden with colors. Bliss.

And for all of you Boro lovers, here's a pic a friend linked to on Facebook. Let's see, I said, " It appears 'new'. It says the base is an indigo-died pair of socks, then added were coins from Afghanistan and Hmong cloth, and finally a bit of Sashiko. The article is encouraging making socks more individual/original."

It's also been a morning of stress and "not"s. I kept feeling we were communicating in cross-purposes with the aforementioned weaver in need of help the whole time. I even got Ben to rewrite and recompile a sanctioned, publicly available code on the downstairs loom but apparently to no avail at her end. Renaming, en/description, installation/operation on multiple OSs and machines worked fine at our end. I think she's going to look for a real person to help.

I'm also wondering if I should withdraw from Kay Faulkner's class and forfeit a small cancellation fee. I haven't been able to get information from the organizer and because it's the first week of the school holidays flights are already selling out. I had Ronette write a letter on my behalf to apply for a scholarship/discount in... September so I hesitate to pull out but with  Christmas fast approaching and the trip to Japan before the workshop, I sense I can unload myself of a lot of grief if I withdraw now.

Lift, eh.

UPDATE: Said weaver is working through her loom problem and has had some favorable interim results. Yay! Here's to continued success, R! 

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