

I think I finished the Sketchbook Project sketchbook. I'm going to sleep on it and have another look tomorrow, but I think I've done all I could. I have more ugly/fussy pages than I like, more words than I intended, and goodness me, a theme, which I've never had. But there are a few pages I like, and heck, I finished it. When I know it's completely done, I'll post some pages. But for now, this is the back of the envelope. I wanted to use this as the front, but they're going to ask me to stick a customs declaration sticker and they'll want to stick the postage sticker, (not stamps, though I'm going to ask,) so I think I'll use the back for all those modern unprettiness.
* * * * *

I got my second W2W2 envelope from Sampling! It had a sample "sleeve" woven with the stainless steel/silk yarn, (far softer than I imagined,) some cards from Japan, Kaz's Moo, another Chinese hankie, and sample yarns.
I love this hankie over all others she's sent in a way because it has a history; the shop once had a fire and their merchandises were supposedly damaged. But every one she sent me were in a pristine shape, whereas this one shows the damage, in the original packaging. It's so sentimental and precious. It's part of her family history and so personal.
My favorite is yarn samples from all the projects she worked on last year. There are a few delicious gray yarns; see the two in the middle?? I now get to feel them and smell them, and I must go back to her posts and reread about her work because I can appreciate them more immediately.

And did I mention the grays?

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Right, so snack time, then clean the kitchen and start dinner. Now that I'm finished with the sketchbook, I get to look forward to working on my tax returns next. Yay.
* * * *

Mom moves tomorrow.


sampling said...

Meg, I haven't blogged about the grey silks yet. They are my current project, half done. In fact, I haven't done a post on any of those yarns yet....except the last 2 black yarn samples. My Blog is a bit like your tax return........Glad you like my envelope!

Meg said...

Right, spoke too soon, then. But I look forward. And I love the grays. I do, I do, I do!!

Cate Rose said...

Looking forward to seeing some of your Sketchbook pages. The envie itself looks mighty cool. Also those sample sets, love that idea, have your packet in my art-mail-to-be-responded-to pile. Have a great weekend! xo

Meg said...

That's why I posted it, Connie, LOL! And all it took was one page from an old calendar! The rest? Meh...