
Towels, Towels!!

Earlier this week I realized this is the Thanksgiving week in the US. So I set the final closing date is set at December 6, just in case there's someone who's almost there, but have to abandon plans. (Or for super slowpokes like moi.) For those of you who participated so far, thank you very much!! You'll be hearing from me between now and December 7 regarding your exchange partner.

Mine are coming along quickly, at least one with a very Pacifica look which I'm very happy about. After much to-ing and fo-ing about the structure, I've downloaded a bunch of lovely drafts from Handweaving.net and have finally been able to enjoy stress-free weaving. But my towels are on the slightly huge/ginormous side - 16.5 inches wide and 75cm long before washing.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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