
My Eye Candies

For all intents and purposes, our kitchen is finished. We even rediscovered one of our most favorite pieces of Nelson pottery by John and Kathleen Ing in the dark corner of the bottom pots-and-pans shelf.

Below is the most beautiful baking I've ever seen outside cookbooks, an Apple, Almond and Frangipani Tart at Delicious on Church Street.

There is a pot of spiced hot Belgian chocolate sitting on top of our new fire, and my husband is spread out on the floor between the couch and the TV, drifting off to dream land, as is his routine Saturday afternoons, but one he wasn't able to practice since Boxing Day last year.

Life is starting to look good again.


pam@gingerbreadsnowflakes.com said...

Spiced Belgium hot chocolate, fire in the fireplace, a lazy afternoon. The picture is so yummy. I can smell the chocolate, feel the fire and I am drifting off to sleep myself.....

Meg said...

Hi, Pam. Nice to see you here! It was an almost intolerably relaxing, slow and lovely afternoon. And surprisingly productive, but not in ways I had planned.