
Must have been My Evil Twin...


taueret said...

who are you and what have you done with Meg!? ;-)

Anonymous said...

you are my hero.

Meg said...

Thank you, ladies. The interesting thing this time is it hasn't been so emotionally loaded, and I haven't needed a lie down. But I'm just working my way through the proportion and placements and color combinations... Just an ordinary day at the office, you might say.

Meg said...

The bright colors are consoling me for the summer I didn't have. Just when we're going through a second (third) cold spell, (usually my most favorite time of the year but a tad "regrettable" this time around,) I'm feeling hot and cheerful inside!

Unseen India Tours said...

Wow The Colour Combination Is Fantastic !! Great

Meg said...

Thank you, Unseen Rajasthan. It is the funkiest I've ever woven.