
The Weaver Must be Home

The basement is strewn with cones, skeins and balls.
As is the stash room, which the weaver has called the project room this week.
But the living room?
And front hallway as well?
It's partly because the weaver worked a bit too long on Triona's on Monday, until the left arm started shaking... But not to worry, this shaking seems to be a good warning mechanism these last 18 months; it's not painful, but I just know to quit and take it easy for a few days.
I thought this was a short, two-piece warp, but I made another warp of the same length and measured it, and it was 5.5m, so after I'm done with this second piece, I'd better cut them off and finish Triona's, then weave another piece, or a generous warp-end fabric.

And I'd better work on collages or sketchbook this afternoon. Or read. Or take pictures.


Cate Rose said...

That woven pattern is delicious! I like your home -- it reminds me of homes I had at one time or another in the past. Glad you have a lovely place to live.

Meg said...

To tell the truth, I prefer those clinically-clean, impersonal minimalist homes because I am messy inside my head and it helps to calm down when I'm in those spaces. But I have a hard time practicing it, Connie. But you knew this.

Marei said...

Love that warp on the loom....scrumptious color! I just took pictures of my studio today and the mess is unbelievable. Where's the maid???? I'd love to have a clean, clear, calming, minimalistic environment but that just ain't gonna happen!

Meg said...

And yet, if I didn't have a reasonable stash, I couldn't plan projects, so I'll settle for A LOT LESS stash at this point...

Anonymous said...

I bet Ben really missed seeing yarn all over the place. Love the piece on the loom - like a river of fire.

Anonymous said...

Now that I've said 'river of fire' I'm afraid it sounds scary. I don't mean it in a destructive way - more like a mythological fire river that humans can only cross when wearing magic socks, or something.

Meg said...

Oh, I love the river of fire image. In my relative youth, (26-30,) I thought that if I could redo my education, I wanted to be a volcanologiest, and I traveled a little bit chasing ones blowing up in Japan and Hawaii. I think I made the right decision not retraining as regardless of which mountain, as soon as I got near it, it went quiet, and as soon as I left, (in case of the Big Island in Hawaii,) it really started going after I got back to Oahu. Oh, good days.....

Meg said...

PS - Ben does not mind cones, balls and skeins so much as finished pieces drying on the carpet as he is told to walk around everything. LOL. Poor guy.

Donatella said...

Ok, it's official, I am moving into your house. it's like Alice in Yarnland!

Meg said...

Yes, just watch where you walk and be careful you don't twist your ankles, Doni. And there's more in the boxes under the table, dear. Here's the silk box, here's the misc cotton box, and there's the Swedish wool box. And and and.....