
A Day in the Life of Looms 2012

Mine, 2:15 PM, 1/1/2012, Nelson, New Zealand, 41°18 0"S / 173°13'10"E.
Rigid Heddle; I might put the first project of the year on this one.  More on this later.
8-shaft sample loom unfortunately didn't see any progress in 2011.
16-shaft Klik has the same color (as last year) but a different experimental warp.
4-shaft Jack has the last of the cashmere Log Cabin warp.
16-shaft Mac has the dark gray cashmere warp; Tim's birthday scarf is next, then Mom's.

4-shaft Jack loom. Why am I weaving a braid in the Creative Fibre colours? You will have to wait till festival this April to find out.
8-shaft table loom. Not sure if you call this a naked loom or not.
There is no warp on it but it is loaded with fabrics waiting to be made into garments.
8-shaft countermarch. An odd photo but I wanted to show both sides of the fabric - very different. I didn't particularly need another woolly sofa throw right on summer holiday time but I weaving keeps me sane - and the slubby multicolour yarn was looking at me.


Life Looms Large said...

Meg, Great to see everyone's looms!!!!

I posted mine just now here:

You can delete this comment if you want, once you're done with the link!!

Happy New Year and thanks for carrying on this tradition!

Anonymous said...

I like that slubby throw - very colourful. Mine are here and a bit underdressed, frankly.

Sandra Rude said...

Hi, Meg - Happy New Year, and wishes for a wonderful 2012. My post is at sandrarude.blogspot.com.

Kimberly said...

My post is here http://kimbersglen.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/new-year-looms-ahead/

Meg said...

Thanks for all the lovely looms, weavers! What a "trip"!!

Peg Cherre said...

What a great idea! I'm in -- here's mine.


Thanks, Meg!

Andrew Kieran said...

I've just posted mine, about 40 minutes late. We're a little behind you guys in time I think, due to the curvature of the earth.


I also posted my final samples from college. I was wondering why noone had commented on them, because I made the post up a couple of weeks ago, and it turned out i'd just saved it without posting it. whoops.

Happy new year :)

Trapunto said...

I just sent my link by email, but maybe this is easier:

I like the ratchet theme! And I firmly believe that when any kind of purple yarn looks at you you should buy it a drink and take it out for dinner. Life's too short...

Meg said...

No worries. And Andy, yeah, you can't expect us to comment on invisible posts! :-P

Susan B. said...

Hi Meg,
I just posted mine at
Lovely tradition and so fun to see what everyone is up to.
Thanks for this.
A day late,

Meg said...

No worries, Susan B, but hey, the wheel is cheating a bit!! :-)

Rose said...

Thank you Meg. This was more than just a bit of fun, it has been a whirlwind tour around the world and very reassuring to 'touch base' with all those weavers. Looks like I am the only one who's not brave enough to have my own blog. Talk to me after Festival!

Meg said...

I could talk to you, but then not everybody needs a blog, I think, like people who are too busy weaving? :->