
Note to Self about Paper Marketing Tools

On paper, I've used mainly the yellow draft logo and the Monotype Corsiva font. This is true for:
  • business card & care instruction cards,
  • two sizes of envelopes
  • letterhead, invoices, receipts
  • three sizes/types of stickers
  • price list
  • and everything else I print out
I made the gold bags with blue decoration for last year's Twilight Market, most of which I still have and I occasionally use for direct sale or commission work.

I made the black bags with my name in silver for the Red Gallery.

Most importantly, I have two sizes of woven labels in Monotype Corsiva in gray.

The one I've spent the most money on and have close to unlimited supply of are the cloth labels, so even if I change logos, it is wiser to stick with Monotype Corsiva and gray in some way.

In the beginning, I put in as little personal information as possible. My cloth labels haven't got my name, but my "business" name, "MegWeaves", which was originally going to be just my url.

When my web site was up, I added my url and email address. Then I added my PO Box address. My phone number still does not appear anywhere.

Sometime somewhere I began to use my name as well, and lately I do without "MegWeaves" but only with my name. On the Internet, I probably use "Meg in Nelson" more than anything.

I need to rethink about consistency, including whether everything has to look the same all the time.

Sometimes weaving is the easiest part... Eh...

PS. On the other hand, for a simpleton like myself, having fewer choices in the marketing department would make life soooooo much easier...

PPS. Of course anyone can leave comments here, Dana; the lot of you are inside my head cheering me on most days anyway!!


Dana and Daisy said...

I would comment on your questions, but I see it is titled notes to self, perhaps you are not looking for commentary?

Meg said...

Oh, Dana, DO, DO, DO!!!

Dana and Daisy said...

I can see you are rethinking pretty much all of it! Now you are onto your logo too!

I think you should have a total package look if you are trying to develop your professional identity. It seems you are.

I would start with a word association list of how you want to be thought of. ie: does the word homespun reflect what you want to be, or is luxury? or somewhere between. See how those two adjectives could define you differently? Then every decision you make, from paper, to ink, to fonts, to color of bag, type of bag, should reinforce the professional identity you want to have.

Yes, for the most ease of associations, you should be consistent with your name. But if you want to blog under a different name than your company name, that is not a bad idea, particularly if you blog personal thoughts and ideas. As you do.Or, have a blog that is solely your professional blog, and a unique one that is in no way associated with your professional life.

Yet it is okay to have your company name: Megweaves on your stationary, and then your name and a title, too. Also, look at a lot of professionally designed stationary and you'll find other layouts that allow for more information on a card. I like the vertical layout, but it is limiting on the layout.

Don't worry about the printing vernacular. You are communicating just fine.

Meg said...

I did that word association for fun in around 2000, and I'm amazed to look at that list because nothing has changed, not just over eight years, but after getting started at giving a go at being a weaver, as it were. So the image I want to portray remains the same. I have more concrete ideas as to what I want to weave to achieve that.