

No picture. And not a lot of content. But now that it's really September, I felt compelled to post.

I haven't done much; I've been feeling tired for no good reason, again, and coveting sugary, high energy foods. And wanting to read; imagine that!

I washed the third pillar yesterday; we're expecting rain at the start of the week and we have a meeting on Monday, so I wanted to get that out of the way. I lined up two photo shoots and interviews by the local papers, and secured the local independently-owned bookshop's window for one week to display and promote the exhibition at the end of the month, (during the most hectic month for them, no less.) Thank you, Page and Blackmore!

I've got the basis for the draft of the top half of the last pillar. The Profile/Bio is finally done, as are the Floor Talk bullet points. Re. blurb, the only thing left is some bullet points for someone else in the group to introduce me at the Opening. Unless I change my mind and want to revamp all the blurb. I've not worked on the Self-Portrait nor the Friends(hip) pieces; I want to get undone things done and forget about them first. By next weekend, I should be ready to move on.

Fingers, toes and arms crossed!   

And don't forget, if you're anywhere in Western Europe, Cally and Mum beckon!! 


Marei said...

"Haven't done much"? It sounds to me like you have been very busy and gotten a lot accomplished. I love the look of the pillars and look forward to seeing them hung for exhibition. Got fingers, toes, arms & LEGS crossed, too, that you get everything finished that you want to do.

Meg said...

What, Marei, not the eyes??? :-D

Anonymous said...

Aw, thanks for the plug! I have had a bit of a blog-reading disaster. I missed a whole lot while I was away and preparing for O.S. but was really looking forward to a catch-up. Then I accidentally clicked "mark all as read" and lost all the new posts... So now I am taking a random walk through my favourite blogs (like yours, of course) to see what everyone's been doing.

Meg said...

Well, you HAVE been busy, Cally. I couldn't go past "Western Europe".