
New, as in Old

Boy, I'm glad I got around to posting the pictures of the exhibition. I'm sure you know what I mean; don't we feel "over it" by the time the exhibition is finally hung? I can't imagine what it's like for authors to have to schlep their books when they have so moved on to the next, and perhaps the one after. Still, I admit, I'm glad I did the pillars.

So it's great, in this case, I always have unfinished projects so I can get back on the loom bench full speed. Last week, I tried to make two drafts for scarves on the Warp of Shame, but they didn't look good sampled, so I revisited handweaving.net. I guess it stands to reason, but every time I go there I have a specific project in mind, a mood I want to create, and yet often I gaze at the same drafts. Do you? This time I made myself sample ones I've never used as far as I can remember. I'm going with the *'d ones.
I also finished fringing one of the two Hearts blankets under the coffee table. I wove these in or before May 2011, apparently. It had been so long since I last fringed I my hands had to get used to the motion. I hope to wet finish this on the weekend and put it in the Refinery shop next week.

I'd like to continue getting a few more unfinished projects out of the way before I start new ones, but I am working on two projects in my head; a pink/ivory/brown baby blanket for Hearts' sister, and scintillating colorful cotton pieces, possibly 60cm or wider.

And if I wasn't chipper enough this morning, guess what awaited us in our PO Box, after a long journey from California...  Remember this?
Yay, yay, yay! Life, and my head, are getting back to normal.

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