

I love stationary, so I do look forward to seeing my postcards.
And you can tell what kind of photos I like, can't you? Ben and I just couldn't get a good picture of the Self-Portrait in the assembled stage, so I will try again tomorrow but I might forget about that one.


charlotte said...

The pillars look great and the photos of the fabric are beautiful! I spent many hours on sunday trying to get good photos of my woollen blankets, and it's very inspiring to see your pictures. I'm sure the postcards will be great!

Meg said...

Thank you, Charlotte.

Dorothy said...

I love the close up of the texture of the pillars, I can imagine walking up to them and seeing more of the pattern as I get closer. I'm muddled about time clocks now, so not sure if the opening event has happened yet. I hope you get some time to chill out now!

Meg said...

It was last night, Dot, and I understand it was successful. You know I hate openings and I almost opted out of ours, but I did get there. It was nice to see friends, and three from my drawing class came and had a great laugh at the Self-Portrait piece.

Lisa Firke said...

Love seeing these glimpses...

Meg said...

Lisa, these are my Silly weaving!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they hang so flat! I know that is not an artistic comment, but I am really impressed. Is that thanks to the nylon line you incorporated?

Meg said...

I can't say for sure, but the nylons came out before hemming for a totally different reason that they got caught in the fabric and annoyed the H!@# out of me. I put it to patient pressing with maximum steam, but I have to say, ahem... yeah... I was pleased. I just hope it doesn't rain a lot this month. The second from the left is starting to show a bit of .... waviness, shall I say?

Anonymous said...

Textiles for weather prediction perhaps? (without the nylon I am even MORE impressed!)

Meg said...

Oh, like old knee-injuries! Yeah, why not!!