
A Color Course in Nelson

I'm sorry is workshop is in little old Nelson, but I heard from the organizer that they were thinking of additional courses in New Zealand please contact Alison directly for possibilities. She might be able to connect with you with the person with information on his Australian workshops.

His is one of the many books I bought ages ago fully intending to read and study in due course, but haven't gotten around to; it definitely feels interesting, I can tell you that.

A One Day Colour Seminar with Leading Colour Specialist MICHAEL WILCOX

Michael is visiting from England to present this one day Seminar in Australia, and is considering holding a Seminar in Nelson in early October 2009 from 10am to 4pm if we can get enough interest.

Michael is the author of the book “Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green”, inventor of the Split Primary System and the Colour Bias Wheel and Head of the School of Colour.

The Seminar will cover:
• All aspects of colour mixing and a full understanding of same
• The basics of colour harmony and contrast
• The selection of suitable materials and their use
• The mixing of greens
• The colours of shadows
• Mixing greys
• The colour of nature
• Making full use of the complementaries.

The Seminar is for artists, craft workers, designers, interior decorators and all who use colour in their work or leisure.

For more information on Michael’s colour mixing methods, his products, his books, check out his website.

To make sure this event does get to Nelson please register your interest by email or phone on 03 539 4925.

Alison Dawn Eades

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