
Calling All Hands

This is another one of those linky stuff I thought up just now. I hope you are keen.

Anytime on Saturday, August 13, take a picture of your hand/s; spinning, knitting, weaving, baking, reading, holding your child's/grandchild's/long-time-love's hand/s, whatever. It doesn't have to be craft-related. Post one pic somewhere and send me a link or send one JPG to me. Also, give me a title or description of yourself; whatever best describe how you saw yourself as at the moment the photo was taken, i.e. "Mama, Yarn collector, Weaver, Neighborhood Weaving Teacher". (I just made that up; I'm not sure what how she sees herself nowadays.)

We make things with our hands: old hands, young hands, skinny hands, plump hands, smooth buffed hands, and scarred used hands. Let's celebrate that. (Or, is it "them"?)


Peg Cherre said...

Great idea! I'd love to be in, but I will be working at a show on Sunday. Can I cheat and take my picture on Thursday before I have to leave home (and camera)?

Meg said...

Yup, as long as we keep it a secret just between you and me!

Donatella said...

fantastic idea! I'll bring my camera with me on the 13th!

Meg said...

Oh, goodie!

Dorothy said...

Hi Meg - I remembered - but one day late, hope that's o.k.? See my blog.