
Mojo has Returned

Oh, what the heck, you don't need my usual long-winded explanation.  I just went ahead with the burnt/dirty orange weft, and I put on a Joe Cocker CD and all doubts disappeared.  This is going to be one heck of a grown-up scarf with a OTP name like "You can Leave your Hat On" or "You Give Me Reason to Live".  It's been a WHILLLLLLE, folks!

Sometimes it's so simple.


Dianne said...

Love it. Magic.

Gjeani said...

beautiful colors, I am in a weaving class , we have to do something with the theme sunny, this scarf is sunny!

Meg said...

Thanks, Dianne. It's been a while, I'd forgotten how it feels.

Gjeani, you remember the sun! It's not too long before you get it back in plenty, I'm sure. Good luck!

Cate Rose said...

Yeah, Meg!

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

That is sooo lovely! You are so inspiring. : )

Meg said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! (That's me taking a bow.)

Sonya said...

That's gorgeous! I'd say you definitely have your mojo back!

Meg said...

Why, thank you, Sonya. I sure hope so. I want to tie a bungee cord around Mo in case it escapes again.

Geodyne said...

Yay for Mojo! It's definitely back, that's stunning. Such colours.

BTW, I intend resuming normal transmission within the next few weeks.

Meg said...

Oh, Geodyne, that is GREAT news. Hurry back!

Sherri Woodard Coffey said...

love the colors! AND the angle of the photo.

Meg said...

Yup. Looking straight ahead.