
Monday, Monday...

January 17.  Last night was another hot night. I went to bed at 10.30 and tried to read but couldn't so I watered the plants at 11PM.  (Crikey, the clover leaves look chipper...) I tried to read again but couldn't and Ben came to bed at midnight and we tossed and turned and fought for the cool part of the sheet but we couldn't go to sleep so we had a nightcap and watched half an hour of a B- or C-SciFi movie. Now he wants to rent that DVD.  I'm tired today, the kind of tiredness only weaving can fix.

Clearly I mused about habit-formation over the weekend... But it's still true.

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Habit is an interesting thing. I no longer question the validity of photographing my lettuce patch for a month and posting and contemplating. I think of it first thing in the morning, and unless I have other intentions, (i.e. photograph it in the afternoon sun,) I do it as quickly as practicable.  It's not that I don't reflect, but my thoughts are on the shallow, practical end: what's growing, what needs doing, etc. At the moment, because I haven't come up with deeper reflections on the subject, I don't have particular hopes for the experiment contributing to a design in the near future, but since it's such a low-keyed "project" I'm not worried about that. (I mean, it's a lettuce patch, you know?) Still, I said I'd do it, so I intend to do it until the end of the month.

What has been interesting, though, is me and habits. I am a good starter.  I have lots of resolutions and plans all year around, but with some, my interest wane all too quickly.  I try to make certain activities, (exercise, accounts for my "business",) a habit, something I don't have to think/question/debate about, something I do more or less painlessly, ideal something that feels wrong to skip.  Some activities I pick up quickly, some not so in spite of great resolve and even a reward. I've tried to make certain aspects of work a habit, too; weaving on one of the looms every single day even just a little bit, even if I'm busy planning, making drafts or warps, dressing another loom, finishing pieces, whatever; drawing one-a-day; working on Ali-mentored design projects one halfday a week, (this shouldn't be hard because I do so enjoy it); and one of the easiest, keep a journal of small observations/musings which may (or may not) contribute to design ideas later on.  You get the picture.  But it seems I'm pretty bad at sticking to a plan. Ergo the simplest plan with the lettuce patch.

So I want to prove to myself I can do something I said I'd do, and stick with the plan.  And after the month of lettuce patch pictures is finished, I may try to pick up a new habit, something I'm prone to examine with  more interest. Because planning a new project is always more fun.

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Sampling has two lovely scarves for the Queensland Flood Relief Appeal Auction here.  Do have a look.

I stood behind a flower pot and bent down to shoot from above. It wasn't planned, but I felt... tall.

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