
Is This Doable?

Hot loud orange, gold, dull brown green, and imperial purple... Would you stop talking to me if I tried this as a warp?


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think it would look good. I vote go for it.

Laritza said...

I bet it will come out lovely! Go for it......if else fails you can always dye black :D That is what I keep telling myself.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on a purple and orange scarf, so your combination is ideal for me. It's a good range. Do it.
Any thoughts on the weft yet? Pink and olive?

Anonymous said...

but we all knew that already ;)

I would suggest adding a fifth color perhaps a darker brown green...almost to black but not.

Cate Rose said...

Go for it, Meg. I bet it will be beautiful!

Taueret said...

just kidding. sounds beeeutiful.

Meg said...

Gosh, this is what my mom calls, "digging your own grave." There's no way I can back down from this now, is there? I might not be able to do this in time for the current project, but I would definitely like to try it.

Lynne, haven't got anything like that at the mo.

Dave, yeah, that's the next thing... Will you slap me with a wet but ticket if I said something like... gray???

Anonymous said...

Cor...looks exciting to me!

Meg said...

LOUD, isn't it? And cheerful!

Peg in South Carolina said...

These are MY colors! You can't have them! Only kidding. Go for it!

Meg said...

Gosh, talk about not knowing where to start!