

I'm sorry I keep publishing the Napier post when I'm still writing it. There is heaps to write, but I'd rather work, making drafts, writing down ideas, making warps, and weaving off pieces. Who among you told me to take my butterfly net to Napier? That's exactly what's happening now - trying to capture all the ideas before they fly away.

I've about two weeks for the crazy tea cozy, and three for Pics to Picks. So I need to get my act together and leave the new stuff until June. I have to see Ali, too, to make up for the session I canceled before Napier.

There is, I must tell you, a certain irony sitting in my stash room full of cones and skeins, mixing fleece/sliver/roving colors to create, albeit very slowly, even more yarns.


Dianne said...

Enjoying your Napier posts in instalments.
Wait til DH says haven't you got enough yarn without making more!

Meg said...

He gave up in 2003 when I sent 5 boxes to myself after helping Mom clean out her stash. Besides, he's the one that bought me the hand carder!