
Every Girl Needs a Tu Tu...

Or two... And there's nothing preventing nice blokes from trying out one, either. Lynne made sure we know what to do here.

Although on me, a tu tu would look like a fancy, laced diaper pants of old, I'm recalling my little niece's slim legs. My brother would so despise me if I sent her one; he never even put on the cute fairy wings I bought her. But this is tempting...


Dana and Daisy said...

I just might make one for me and one for Daisy, too!

Meg said...

MUST MAKE MATCHING ONES, DANA!!! Maybe with daisy-patterned fabrics.

Anonymous said...

that would be adorable! please post the pics.

Meg said...

She's 3 today. It'll be a very tiny tu tu, though. Just slightly bigger than Daisy's???